Authority: Citizens to Elect Clark Schoeffield, Wm. James Morgan III, Treasurer
Mission Statement: |
Our biggest threat to the future of our Quality of Life and the future of Howard County is the
unprecedented rampant growth that we have been experiencing at alarming rates over the last 15
years. Once growth occurs, it is irreversible. Howard County is still a wonderful place to live, and
we need to work hard together to preserve it for our future and for the future of generations to come.
If elected as County Executive, I would make the Growth issue in Howard County "My Number
One Priority". The growth that we are currently experiencing has impacts on everything from
quality of life to education to taxes to fire & rescue, police, crime and traffic & transportation.
I would work together with the citizens, citizens groups and teams of consultants from around the
U.S. to employ strategies to reduce growth and density. I would work to reduce taxes and would
not support programs with taxpayer funds that subsidize development. I would also encourage tax
incentives to reward and encourage property owners to keep their land. Taxpayers would not be
penalized for keeping extra land, nor would they be forced to sell their land for development. In
addition, land trusts and continuing farmland preservation would be encouraged for both the eastern
portion of the county as well as for the western portion.
Developers should be required to shoulder more of the responsibility of schools and infrastructure.
Our current Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) legislation is a sham. (More on that later)
Moving to Howard County in 1966 at 4 years old, I have lived here ever since. Now at age 40, I
have seen much change in Howard County over the years.
I never wanted to run for this job, and I am not a politician. I have seen enough abuses go on in this
County Government over the years that I can't just sit back and let it happen anymore. Someone
once said: "Get involved in your local government. Politics is too important to be left to the
politicians". I am not part of the Establishment; I am just a regular guy like most of you all. I am
not interested in being one of the "good ole boys", but rather, I am interested in doing what is right
for the County and for its citizenry.
If you want the status quo in our County Government with runaway growth like there is no
tomorrow, then you need to vote for one of the other guys. But, if you care about our future like I
do, and would like to see a refreshing change, and want someone that will upset the apple cart of
this Administration, then I am your candidate.
I need your support and your vote in the Primary on September 10 and in the General Election on
November 5. I am running as a Republican for County Executive, and am reaching out to
Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike. Together, we can and will make a difference.
Let's bring Howard County Government back to the people. Let's preserve our future and Howard
County's heritage for years to come.
Thank you for your support! |
Clark Schoeffield
Authority: Citizens to Elect Clark Schoeffield, Wm. James Morgan III, Treasurer